How To Start A Profitable Blog 2020 – A Blog That Matters


  • Nothing is required to get started except a willingness to try something new.
  • You will be learning some new concepts and when learning something new this can cause fear and overwhelm! It’s import that you are aware of this, the “start stops most people” I ask that you just be patient with yourself.
  • Honor the learning journey. Go through the videos a couple of times to learn the concepts then proceed to apply them..
  • Remember education that is not applied is useless.. I will leave you with this, a quote from Joseph Campbell “The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek”

Do you want to start a blog that matters – one that will change your life and the lives of your readers? Anyone can start a blog, but let’s be real, how many actually matter and actually make a difference to their readers?

Hi, My name’s James Stafford and I’ve been teaching people how to start a blog and clarify their message since 2012. In fact, over the last 8 years, I’ve made close to 7 figures with my blog and if you were to ask me what’s the difference that makes the difference…

I would tell you this – start a blog that matters.

However, It’s NOT just about starting a blog that matters, it’s also about being consistent. Over the years, I’ve seen too many people get started and not follow through, so it’s important be aware of the big picture when starting a successful blog.

Now starting a blog is actually the easy part, and thousands of new blogs are started every day. You can literally create one in 5 minutes – but very few people will create blogs that matter. Here’s the deal: while I know blogging is an incredible opportunity for some, the fact is blogging isn’t for everybody.

If blogging isn’t a good fit for you, you’d probably be better off spending time pursuing something else. So before you decide to jump in with blogging, here’s the top 5 reasons blogging might not be for you.

1. Building a successful blog takes an incredible amount of work, patience, and stamina.

2. It’s about the journey, not the destination. You should blog about something that genuinely interests you.

3. Blogging isn’t a quick path to riches. It can take up to a year to start making any money. To be successful, you have to like creating content and be consistent.

4. To be a successful blogger, you have to like helping or entertaining other people, not just about talking yourself. You should genuinely want to help people

5. Building a successful blog requires getting to know other bloggers.

You have to make friends and create relationships. So if you’re not cool with any of those, blogging might not be for you. However, that being said, if none of these worries you, then Blogging can change your life for the better! For people with the desire and ability, I strongly recommend starting a blog for all kinds of reasons.

When I started blogging in 2012, my goal was simple – to show people how to get started with their first website or blog step by step. Because I needed to show people what I was doing via tutorials, I chose to use video blogging or vlogging as my medium of choice. Along the way, amazing things have happened from new friends, travel, more creativity, and building a business online I’m super grateful for.

I’ve received business offers and partnerships and countless emails from viewers thanking me for helping them. Millions of people worldwide have started blogs and websites through my video tutorials.

It’s incredible and I’m truly blessed for what I’ve been able to do and achieve. I know dozens of people who make a living through blogging and dozens more whose lives have changed because of it. However, despite millions of blogs starting each year, only a small percentage of them thrive. That’s because blogging isn’t about reaching a destination.

It’s about the journey and the lessons learned along the way. So in this video, I’m going to teach you two things – how to start a blog that matters and how to ensure it’s correctly set up for success. I’ll show you what to do step-by-step so you can succeed – even if you’re totally new to getting started online, you’re on a shoestring budget and even if have no technical expertise whatsoever.

Who this course is for:
  • This course is specifically designed with the absolute beginner in mind! I have put together the best information I know in terms of creating a profitable WordPress blog that is setup properly to drive search engine traffic, capture leads and create new customers! Truly anyone can get started with this course, and create an amazing blog!
  • entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs, consultants, coaches, trainers, Udemy instructors, digital marketing experts who are good with marketing, but with no technical experience , and anyone who wants to create a killer profitable blog.
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