Testing Python Full Stack & Backend for MC/ ML Engines 101

Running Maintaining Testing and Debugging Python Full Stack and Backend for Monte Carlo Engines 102


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Python Full Stack and Backend Engines for MC/ ML Engines 102

Running Maintaining Testing and Debugging Python Full Stack and Backend for Monte Carlo Engines 102


  1. How to work and success in remote managerless environment
  2. What technical skill are needed: Python shell coding spark df git commands and sshing
  3. Running Maintaining Testing and Debugging Computational engines
  4. Inputs given through yaml
  5. How get old runs information so that you can pull data. What do in case you are stuck
  6. How to handle authentication errors
  7. Execution is through .sh file
  8. Full stack vs Back end engine
  9. How to get the the root of mismatch
  10. What are clone proxy runners how to use their runs
  11. How to make proper notes

How tos:

  1. How to search for an old run
  2. How to see the latest run
  3. How to see the runs that is still in progress
  4. How to start a run


  1. Write step for Getting Outputs of Monte Carlo Backend Run
  2. Backend runs
  3. How to compare two dfs
  4. What are diff type of authentication
  5. What to do if you cannot find the runs
  6. Common causes of mismatch of runs
  7. Give 3 common type of grid run errors / issues
  8. Write sample wiki notes about your findings of attempting to search the runs

Who this course is for:

  • Intermediate Python for Computational Full Stack engines is for anyone who want to learn more beyong python basics
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