IIT Madras Offers Free Online Course on Python for Data Science

The course aims at equipping participants to be able to use python programming for solving data…

The Intensive 2021 Python & Data Analysis Libraries Diploma

Build your Practical Python Programming Skills for Data Handling, Analysis and Visualization with Real Examples

From Beginner To Advanced

Linear Regression and Logistic Regression in Python

Build predictive ML models with no coding or maths background

Deploy Computer Vision Flask Web App using Python in CLOUD

Develop and Deploy Machine Learning Web App and Deploy in Python Anywhere Cloud Platform using Python,…

Deep learning: A Natural Language Processing BootcampLearn NLP the RIGHT WAY!

Learn NLP the RIGHT WAY!!!!!

Learn How To Extract Web Data with Python and Beautiful Soup

Extract (scrape) data from websites!!!!

Data Science Interview Questions & Answers

Prepare for Data Scientist and Machine Learning Engineer interviews by learning the frequently asked interview questions

Statistics Fundamentals: Bundled

Statistics Fundamentals: Bundled

2021 Data Science & Machine Learning with R from A-Z Course

Become a professional Data Scientist with R and learn Machine Learning, Data Analysis + Visualization, Web…

Machine Learning & Deep Learning in Python & R

Covers Regression, Decision Trees, SVM, Neural Networks, CNN, Time Series Forecasting and more

Practical Deep Learning Projects

learn to apply Deep Learning and machine learning Algorithms and real world deep learning projects in…

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