Kubernetes: Dive Into Kubernetes in One Hour! Fully Hands On


  • Basic System Administration


Kubernetes is the hottest topics in the realm of DevOps and is one of the most demanded skillsets.  As a DevOps Engineer, salaries upwards of $100,000 annually are readily available.

This course was created based on my own personal frustrations when learning Kubernetes.  Many courses and books explain the core components as theory but have little hands on usage or examples of the architectural components.

My belief is that an understanding of the Kubernetes core components, as well as those that are hidden in the background provides you with a much better understanding of how and why Kubernetes works and will also make you more much effective with Kubernetes!

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “This is outstanding training and something you would expect to pay for from an experienced professional. The pace is just right, great humour, and production quality through the roof. Well done James!” – Student Testimonial

After an overview of the history of ContainersKubernetes and the relationship to Docker, we’ll cover the use of Dockershim, it’s deprecation, the inception of Containerd and Runc and we’ll configure these as part of our container runtime environment.

We’ll then install and configure Nerdctl, a cli for Containerd that provides the awesome CLI experience that we’re used to with Docker!

CNI plugins provide an introduction to the world of Container Network Interfaces.

We’ll build a Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm and explore common components and functionality – Pods, the Pause container, Deployments, Replicasets and Services.

With our Kubernetes cluster running, we’ll carefully dismantle the components one by one. We’ll then start each component, repeating the functionality that we’ve explored and will understand, step by step, what each component is and why it’s important in the Kubernetes ecosystem.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Brilliant succinct course. Loved the deconstruction/reconstruction of the cluster in order to drive home what each component does, pure genius. Thanks so much for sharing James.” – Student Testimonial

We’ll talk through the use of the Kubelet, ETCD, Kube-ApiServer, Kube-Scheduler, Controller-Manager, Kube-Proxy, CoreDNS and Kube-DNS!

Lastly there are Quizzes and Challenges to test and take your knowledge further.

Who this course is for:

  • Beginners in Containers
  • System Administrators
  • Developers
  • Operations
  • Technical Project Managers
  • Users of Docker looking to make the next step into Kubernetes
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